Welcome To The Digital Age: NIS Advances

On Saturday, December 15th, Dr. Tarek Shawky, the Minister of Education in Egypt decided to gather 30+ students in a conference to discuss the summit of education in Egypt. These students came from a mix of public, national, IG and American schools. NIS American was chosen as one of those schools and, luckily, I was chosen among the students to represent NIS.

When asked about The Digital Age I responded to Dr. Shawky by stating that we need to understand that the world is going through a major digital revolution, and that we have a huge chance to step up and change our country for the better through more advanced educational programs.

Dr. Shawky agreed with what I said, and somehow I ended up telling him about my previous experience studying in Japan. I was able to provide him with information on the difference between the education system in Egypt and the one in Japan.

Did you know that NIS uses the same advanced, cutting-edge technology that is being used in Japan? Throughout my four years at NIS, I’ve witnessed this school evolve and expand in all aspects of education at the fastest pace, which leads me to think that NIS’ eagerness for advancing is quite literally driving it to become better and better every year, and that is not something that I witnessed in Japan. Change does not really occur in the Education system over there.

Imagine sitting in a conference for 2+ hours talking about the pro’s and con’s of education in Egypt… how boring right? Wrong! NIS students were truly enjoying attending the conference, why you ask? Students from schools kept demanding things for their schools that were already available at ours. They discussed things like an online program for school (thanks to the leaders of our school, we were already the first school in the Middle East to have the LMS (Learning Management System) which is now updated to AEP (Advanced Education Program)), they asked for Flipped Classroom, Support Groups, Student Governments, and more.


It was no surprise that we were all feeling a bit vain throughout the whole conference. Our school had already enriched 100% of the requirements that other schools did not have. NIS students couldn’t sit quietly. We wanted to show off our school and represent it with honor. But it wasn’t just arrogance that drove our desire to represent the school.

We felt that it was a privilege to be given the opportunity to use the programs that we have at our school, and that students from other schools should have the same privilege as well. So we suggested that the Minister of Education should allow us to help other schools by giving them a hand, so that we could give insight on what it is like to have these programs, and to volunteer at other schools (that do not have access to these programs) to help explain further how the programs we use work.

The Minister was taken by surprise when NIS students’ spoke of their cutting-edge, advanced programs and their eagerness to help other schools change. He quite literally used NIS as an example for modern education and The Digital Age. He personally asked me to talk to students from other schools about my experience with the Advanced Education Platform provided at NIS.

By the end of the conference, NIS students had truly proved what “Passio Impellit” means. It is no secret that passion drives us in every way possible.

“Passio Impellit”
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passion drives us

It was definitely an experience to remember, and I am so proud to say that NIS inspired other schools to become a part of The Digital Age.

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