The National High School Model United Nations Conference hosted 3800 students and 250 advisors representing 194 high schools from all around the world. The conference started on March 4th and ended March 7th with it’s Closing Ceremony held in the General Assembly at the UN headquarters. All students that attended NHSMUN 2015 represented United Nations diplomats, reflecting the views and policies of their assigned countries in specialized committees and plenary sessions.
NHSMUN is a subsidiary of the International Model United Nations Association (IMUNA), which has been officially recognized as a non-governmental organization of the United Nations.
NHSMUN 41st conference, held at the Hilton Midtown in Manhattan, New York. The NIS-American delegation was the only delegation from Egypt with 10 delegates representing Uruguay. NIS-American delegates were members in the Legal committee, CSW, UNIDO, SOCHUM, WHO, ECOFIN and the UNODC.