Welcome to the New Capital All Girls International School Campus.

New Capital All Girls International School Campus

Over the course of time, women’s education, like women’s suffrage, equal pay and a long list of many other things has continually been a struggle. Some of history’s bravest and most influencial figures fought for women’s rights to education. More and more, we see that the future is female, and here at Advanced Educaiton, our primary goal is to prepare a strong generation of women to come. In honor of the strong women who have passed and the equally strong to come, Advanced Education is inaugurating its first ever all-girls international school in 2020. The school is tailored intricately to cater for the needs of young girls. Mobilizing state-of-the-art technology, this school will provide a safe and comfortable environment for our girls to thrive both academically and personally. The Advanced Education all-girls school will host the American and British school systems. Our curricula are designed to follow international standards and to provide a well-rounded education. However, academia on its own is not enough. Our state-of-the-arts facilities guarantee that everything these young ladies will ever need is provided. From the basics of air-conditioned classes to fully equipped smart panels and high functioning Wi-Fi hotspots, they will have every resource at their disposal. The new all-girls campus is approximately 15,000 m² and is equipped with a swimming pool, athletic grounds, a virtual lab, a robotics lab, multiple science labs, a gymnasium, and an indoor cafeteria. Activities like water ballet and etiquette classes will be available so that alongside academic development, both physical and character development would take place. This is an essential philosophy that we are emphasizing at our all-girls school, because female empowerment is both multi-faceted and intersectional. Hence, psychological well-being and personality development occupy central stage alongside academic performance. While the school will cater for the individual needs of our girls, it will still maintain the high caliber of education present at all other Advanced Education campuses. Our girls will have access to our online educational platform, AEP, as well as to our international programs, including the Global Citizenship Program and the international Model United Nations.
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Contact Details


New Capital, R2 – Cairo Governorate Desert, Cairo Governorate

Working Hours

08:00am – 03:00pm Sunday-Thursday.