GeMUN 2014

Near the Fontana Ferrari “Ferrari Fountain”, facing the magnificent Palazzo Ducale Being the only school representing Egypt among 28 international schools from all over the world, gave us a sense of pride and deep responsibility.
Fountain The Genoa “GeMUN” is a Hague International Model United Nations affiliated conference based on THIMUN rules of procedure. The conference is a three-day simulation of the work of the United Nations. The structure of GeMUN includes the: Security Council, ECOSOC, Special Conference, Humanitarian and Social Committee, Disarmament and International Security, Environment Commission, Mediterranean Conference . University level: Special Decolonization and Political Committee and Economic and Financial Committee. GeMUN allows high school students, from the age of 14 to19 and university students from the age 18 to 26 to play the role of diplomats, learning the appropriate manner of negotiation and debate. GuysImageThe objectives of the conference are to seek, through negotiation, solutions to various worldwide problems dealing with economic, social, environmental, political, and cultural issues. Ultimately, through participation in the conference, GeMUNity hopes to enable students to become more informed and effective citizens of the world community. located at Pizza De Ferrari at the heart of the beautiful Genoa or as known by all Italian Genova, our Delegates met every morning to take their first steps towards greatness.